Mathematical logic seminar - Nov 27 2018

Time: 3:30pm - 4:30 pm

Room: Wean Hall 8220

Speaker:     James Cummings    
Department of Mathematical Sciences

Title: Shelah's singular compactness theorem


Shelah's singular compactness theorem is a general result showing that a singular cardinal λ has properties reminiscent of those enjoyed by large cardinals: for example

  • If G is an abelian group of size λ and every subgroup of G with size less than λ is free, then G is free.
  • If X is a family of size λ of countable sets, and every subfamily of size less than λ has a transversal, then X has a transversal.
I will prove a version of the singular compactness theorem, and discuss some complementary consistency results for λ regular.