
The following is a partial list of students who earned a PhD in Computer Science, Mathematical Sciences, or Philosophy, and wrote a dissertation in a logic-related area under the supervision of a member of the PAL faculty.

  • Wei Dai
    Thesis: Ergodic Aspects of Graphing Equivalence Relations
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Clinton Conley
    First position: Postdoc, Nankai University, China
  • Pedro Marun
    Thesis: Spaces, Trees and Labelled Sets
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: James Cummings
    First position: Postdoc, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague
  • Felix Weilacher
    Thesis: Definable Combinatorics in Descriptive Set Theory, Computability Theory, and Beyond
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Clinton Conley
    First position: National Science Foundation (NSF) Mathematical Sciences Research Fellow, University of California, Berkeley
  • Wentao Yang
    Thesis: On Successive Categoricity, Stability and NIP in Abstract Elementary Classes
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Rami Grossberg
    First position: Researcher, Inner Mongolia University, China
  • Katherine Kosaian
    Thesis: Formally Verifying Algorithms for Real Quantifier Elimination
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: André Platzer
    First position: Postdoc, Iowa State University
    Starting Fall, 2024: Assistant Professor, Computer Science, University of Iowa
  • Samson Leung
    Thesis: Stability, Categoricity and Axiomatization of Abstract Elementary Classes
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Rami Grossberg
    2022 Mathematical Sciences Outstanding Research Graduate Student Prize
    2023 MCS Hugh D. Young Graduate Student Teaching Award
    First position: Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Mathematics, Penn State University
  • Mario Carneiro
    Thesis: Metamath Zero: From Logic, to Proof Assistant, to Verified Compiler
    Department: Philosophy
    Advisor: Jeremy Avigad
    First position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Hoskinson Center, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Hanif Cheung
    Thesis: Notions of Amalgamation for Abstract Elementary Classes
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Rami Grossberg
    First position: Morgan Stanley, UK
  • Yong Kiam Tan
    Thesis: Deductive Verification for Ordinary Differential Equations: Safety, Liveness, and Stability
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: André Platzer
    First position: Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
  • Shaun Allison
    Thesis: Actions of Polish groups and anti-classification results
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Clinton Conley
    First position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Mathematics, Hebrew University
    Second position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Mathematics, University of Toronto
  • Brandon Bohrer
    Thesis: Practical End-to-End Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: André Platzer
    First position: Assistant Professor, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  • Farzaneh Derakhshan
    Thesis: Session-Typed Recursive Processes and Circular Proofs
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: Frank Pfenning
    First position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Cylab, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Sittinon Jirattitkansakul
    Thesis: Blowing up the power of a singular cardinal of any cofinality with collapses
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: James Cummings
    First position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Mathematics, Tel Aviv University
    Beginning Fall, 2024: Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Chulalongkorn University
  • Marcos Mazari-Armida
    Thesis: Remarks on classification theory for abstract elementary classes with applications to abelian group theory and ring theory
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Rami Grossberg
    2021 Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL) Sacks Prize
    First position: Burnett Meyer Postoctoral Fellow, Mathematics, University of Colorado, Boulder
    Second position: Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Baylor University
  • Patrick Walsh
    Thesis: Categorical characterization of accessible domains
    Department: Philosophy
    Advisor: Wilfried Sieg
    First position: Assistant Teaching Professor, CMU-Qatar
  • Jing Zhang
    Thesis: Some Results in Combinatorial Set Theory
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: James Cummings
    First position: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities Postdoctoral Fellow, Mathematics, Bar-Ilan University
    Beginning Fall, 2024: Assistant professor, Mathematics, North Texas State University
  • Nathan Fulton
    Thesis: Verifiably Safe Autonomy for Cyber-Physical Systems
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: André Platzer
    First position: Researcher, MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab
  • Robert Lewis
    Thesis: Two tools for formalizing mathematical proofs
    Department: Philosophy
    Advisor: Jeremy Avigad
    First position: Postdoctoral fellow, Theoretical Computer Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Clive Newstead
    Thesis: Algebraic models of dependent type theory
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Steve Awodey
    2016 MCS Hugh D. Young Graduate Student Teaching Award
    First position: Postdoctoral Lecturer, Mathematics Department, Northwestern University
    Later position: Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, CMU
  • Egbert Rijke
    Thesis: Classifying types
    Department: Philosophy (Pure and Applied Logic)
    Advisor: Steve Awodey
    First position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Mathematics Department, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  • Floris van Doorn
    Thesis: On the formalization of higher inductive types and synthetic homotopy theory
    Department: Philosophy
    Advisor: Jeremy Avigad
    First position: Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh
  • Andy Zucker
    Thesis: New directions in the abstract topological dynamics of Polish groups
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Clinton Conley
    First position: National Science Foundation (NSF) Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Institut de Mathématiques, Université Paris Diderot, France
    Later position: Assistant Professor, Mathematics, University of Waterloo
  • Máté Szabó
    Thesis: Human and Machine Computation, an Exploration
    Department: Philosophy
    Advisor: Wilfried Sieg
    First position: Postdoctoral Fellow, FFIUM Research Program, Nancy and Paris
  • Sebastien Vasey
    Thesis: Superstability and Categoricity in Abstract Elementary Classes
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Rami Grossberg
    2014 MCS Hugh D. Young Graduate Student Teaching Award
    2017 Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL) Sacks Prize
    First position: Benjamin Peirce Fellow, Mathematics, Harvard University
  • Jacob Davis
    Thesis: Universal graphs at ℵω1 and set-theoretic geology
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: James Cummings
    First position: Google Zurich
  • Kristina Sojakova
    Thesis: Higher Inductive Types as Homotopy-Initial Algebras
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: Steve Awodey (Philosophy) and Frank Pfenning
    2016 CMU SCS Dissertation Award
  • Sarah Loos
    Thesis: Differential Refinement Logic
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: André Platzer
    First position: Google Research
  • Daniel Rodriguez
    Thesis: Models of ℝ-supercompactness
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Ernest Schimmerling
    First position: Google Research
  • William Gunther
    Thesis: Results on classical semantics and polymorphic types
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Richard Statman
  • Chris Martens
    Thesis: Programming Interactive Worlds with Linear Logic
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: Karl Crary and Frank Pfenning
  • Rebecca Morris
    Thesis: Appropriate steps: a theory of motivated proofs
    Department: Philosophy
    Advisor: Jeremy Avigad
    First position: Instructor, Department of Philosophy, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Bernardo Toninho
    Thesis: A Logical Foundation for Session-based Concurrent Computation
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: Luis Caires (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) and Frank Pfenning
  • Will Boney
    Thesis: Advances in classification theory for abstract elementary classes
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Rami Grossberg
    First position: Benjamin Peirce Fellowship, Mathematics, Harvard University and National Science Foundation (NSF) Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
    Second position: Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Texas State University
  • Spencer Breiner
    Thesis: Scheme representation for first-order logic
    Department: Philosophy
    Advisor: Steve Awodey
    First position: Postdoctoral Researcher, National Institute of Standards & Technology
  • Chris Lambie-Hanson
    Thesis: Covering matrices, squares, scales and stationary reflection
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: James Cummings
    First position: Lady Davis Postdoctoral Fellow, Einstein Institute of Mathematics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    Later position: Researcher, Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences
  • Paul McKenney
    Thesis: Forcing axioms and the rigidity of corona algebras
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Ernest Schimmerling
    First position: Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Miami University
  • Jason Rute
    Thesis: Topics in algorithmic randomness and computable analysis
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Jeremy Avigad
    First position: Postdoctoral Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Pennsylvania State University
  • Spencer Unger
    Thesis: Some results on the tree property
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: James Cummings
    First position: RTG Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, UCLA
    Later position: Assistant Professor, Mathematics, University of Toronto
  • Ashwini Aroskar
    Thesis: Limits, regularity, and relational and weighted structures
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: James Cummings
    First position: Postdoctoral Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan
  • Sicun Gao
    Thesis: Computable analysis, decision procedures, and hybrid automata: a new framework for the formal verification of cyber-physical systems
    Department: Philosophy
    Advisor: Edmund Clarke and Jeremy Avigad
    First position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Rob Simmons
    Thesis: Substructural Logical Specifications
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: Frank Pfenning
  • Peter Lumsdaine
    Thesis: Higher categories from type theory
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Steve Awodey
    First position: Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Mathematics, Dalhouse University, Halifax
    Later position: Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Stockholm University
  • Matthew Szudzik
    Thesis: Some applications of recursive functionals to the foundations of mathematics and physics
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Richard Statman
    2007 MCS Hugh D. Young Graduate Student Teaching Award
    First position: Assistant Teaching Professor, Mathematics, CMU-Qatar
  • Fritz Obermeyer
    Thesis: Automated equational reasoning in nondeterministic λ-calculi modulo theories H*
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Richard Statman
    Later position: Google
  • Henrik Forsell
    Thesis: First-Order Logical Duality
    Department: Philosophy
    Advisor: Steve Awodey
    First position: Postdoctoral fellow, Eduard Cech Center for Mathematical Research, Brno, Cech Republic
  • Henry Towsner
    Thesis: Some Results in Logic and Ergodic Theory
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Jeremy Avigad
    First position: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, UCLA; Participant in MSRI semester in Ergodic Theory and Additive Combinatorics
    Later position: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania
  • Michael Warren
    Thesis: Homotopy Theoretic Aspects of Constructive Type Theory
    Department: Philosophy
    Advisor: Steve Awodey
    First position: Fields Institute Postdoc, University of Ottawa
  • Yimu Yin
    Thesis: Sets, models, and valued fields
    Department: Philosophy
    Advisor: Jeremy Avigad
    First position: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh
  • Frederick Eberhardt
    Thesis: Causation and Intervention
    Department: Philosophy
    Advisor: Richard Scheines and Clark Glymour
    Later position: Professor, California Institute of Technology
  • Giacomo Sillari
    Thesis: Convention, Awareness and Games
    Department: Philosophy
    Advisor:Cristina Bicchieri and Horacio Arlo Costa
    Later position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Program in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, University of Pennsylvania
  • Joshua Dunfield
    Thesis: A unified system of type requirements
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: Frank Pfenning
    Later position: Postdoctoral Fellow, McGill University
  • Nishant Sinha
    Thesis: Automated Compositional Analysis for Checking Component Substitutability
    Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Advisor: Ed Clarke
    Later position: NEC
  • Pankajkumar Punjabrao Chauhan
    Thesis: Verification of Large Industrial Circuits Using SAT Based Reparameterization and Automated Abstraction-Refinement
    Department:Computer Science
    Advisor: Ed Clarke
    Later position: Calypto
  • Anubhav Gupta
    Thesis: Learning Abstractions for Model Checking
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: Ed Clarke
    Later position: Cadence Research Laboratories
  • Murali Talupur
    Thesis: Handling Unboundedness: Abstraction Techniques for Parameterized and Real Time Verification
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: Ed Clarke
    Later position: Intel
  • Kaustuv Chaudhuri
    Thesis: Theorem proving with the inverse method for linear logic
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: Frank Pfenning
    Later position: Post-doctoral Fellow, INRIA-Futurs, France
  • John Mumma
    Thesis: Intuition formalized: ancient and modern methods of proof in elementary geometry
    Department: Philosophy
    Advisor: Dana Scott
    First position: Postdoctoral fellow, Ideals of Proof project, Paris
    Later position: Associate Professor, Philosophy, Cal State San Bernardino
  • Jiji Zhang
    Thesis: Causal inference and reasoning in causally insufficient systems
    Department: Philosophy
    Advisor: Peter Spirtes
    Later position: Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, California Institute of Technology
  • Dirk Schlimm
    Thesis: Axiomatics as engine for driving discovery in mathematics and science
    Department: Philosophy
    Advisor: Clark Glymour
    Later position: Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, McGill University
  • Rowan Davies
    Thesis: Practical refinement-type checking
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: Frank Pfenning
    Later position: Associate Lecturer, University of Western Australia
  • Chad Brown
    Thesis: Set comprehension in Church's type theory
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Peter Andrews
    Later position: Universität des Saarlandes in Saarbrücken
  • Alexei Kolesnikov
    Thesis: Generalized amalgamation in simple theories and characterization of dependence relations in non-elementary classes
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Rami Grossberg
    2001 CMU Eberly Center Graduate Student Teaching Award
    First position: Postdoctoral Assistant Professor, University of Michigan
    Later position: Professor, Mathematics, Towson University
  • Aleks Nanevski
    Thesis: Functional programming with names and necessity
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: Frank Pfenning
    Later position: Microsoft Research, Cambridge
  • Kerry Ojakian
    Thesis: Combinatorics in bounded arithmetic
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Jeremy Avigad
    First positions: Postdoc Charles University (Prague); Postdoc, Center for Logic and Computation (Lisbon)
    Later position: Associate Professor, Bronx Community College, CUNY
  • Ksenija Simic (-Muller)
    Thesis: Aspects of ergodic theory in subsystems of second-order arithmetic
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Jeremy Avigad
    2007 MCS Hugh D. Young Graduate Student Teaching Award
    First position: Postdoc, Mathematics, University of Arizona
    Later position: Associate Professor, Mathematics, Pacific Lutheran University
  • Tianjiao Chu
    Thesis: Learning from the SAGE data
    Department: Philosophy
    Advisor: Peter Spirtes
    Later position: Research Scientist, Clairvoyance Corporation
  • Jeffrey Helzner
    Thesis: Relaxing ordering assumptions in additive conjoint measurement
    Department: Philosophy
    Advisor: Teddy Seidenfeld
    Later position: Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Columbia University
  • John Krueger
    Thesis: Saturated ideals
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: James Cummings
    First positions: Postdoc, University of Vienna; Morrey Assistant Professor, University of California, Berkeley
    Later position: Professor, Mathematics, North Texas State University
  • Brigitte Pientka
    Thesis: Tabled higher-order logic programming
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: Frank Pfenning
    Later position: Professor, Department of Computer Science, McGill University
  • Mark Ravaglia
    Thesis: Explicating the finitist standpoint
    Department: Philosophy
    Advisor: Wilfried Sieg
    Later position: Faculty, Hawaiian Preparatory Academy
  • Monica VanDieren
    Thesis: Categoricity and stability in abstract elementary classes
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Rami Grossberg
    First positions: Szego Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Stanford University; Hildebrandt Assistant Professor, Mathematics, University of Michigan
    Later position: University Professor of Mathematics and Director, Honors Program, Robert Morris University
  • Andrej Bauer
    Thesis: The realizability approach to computable analysis and topology
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: Dana Scott
    Later position: Professor of Computational Mathematics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Jesse Hughes
    Thesis: A study of algebras and Coalgebras
    Department: Philosophy
    Advisors: Steve Awodey and Dana Scott
    Later position: Adjunct Professor, Salem State College
  • Jeff Polakow
    Thesis: Ordered linear logic and applications
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: Frank Pfenning
    Later position: Deutsche Bank, New York City
  • Barbara Kauffmann
    Thesis: Application of proof theory to computational complexity: comparison of different methods
    Department: Philosophy
    Advisor: Wilfried Sieg
    After graduating, served as adjunct professor, Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Philosophy
  • Alberto Momigliano
    Thesis: Elimination of negation in a logical framework
    Department: Philosophy
    Advisor: Frank Pfenning
    Later position: Research Fellow, Computer Science, University of Edinburgh
  • Gerald Penn
    Thesis: The algebraic structure of attributed type signatures
    Department: Language Technologies Institute
    Advisors: Bob Carpenter and Frank Pfenning
    Winner of the 2001 E. W. Beth Dissertation Award
    Later position: Associate Professor of Computer Science, Unversity of Toronto
  • Carsten Schuermann
    Thesis: Automating the meta-theory of deductive systems
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: Frank Pfenning
    Later position: Associate Professor of Computer Science, IT University, Copenhagen
  • Lars Birkedal
    Thesis: Developing theories of types and computability via realizability
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: Dana Scott
    Later position: Professor and Head of the Programming, Logic, and Semantics Group, IT University of Copenhagen
  • Matthew Bishop
    Thesis: Mating search without path enumeration
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Peter Andrews
    Later position: Azlan Group Limited, England
  • John Byrnes
    Thesis: Proof search and normal forms in natural deduction
    Department: Philosophy
    Advisor: Wilfried Sieg
    Later position: Principal Computer Scientist, Advanced Analytics Group of the Artificial Intelligence Center, SRI International
  • Roberto Virga
    Thesis: Higher-order rewriting with dependent types
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Frank Pfenning
  • Olivier Lessmann
    Thesis: Dependence relations in nonelementary classes
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Rami Grossberg
    1996 MCS Hugh D. Young Graduate Student Teaching Award
    First positions: Research Assistant Professor, Mathematics, University of Illinois, Chicago; Postdoc, Mathematics, Oxford University
  • Hongwei Xi
    Thesis: Dependent types in practical programming
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Frank Pfenning
    Later position: Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Boston University
  • Oliver Schulte
    Thesis: Hard choices in scientific inquiry
    Department: Philosophy
    Advisor: Kevin Kelly
    Later position: Associate Professor, School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University
  • Christopher Meek
    Thesis: Selecting graphical models: causal and statistical modeling
    Department: Philosophy
    Advisor: Peter Spirtes
    Later position: Principal Researcher in Machine Learning and Applied Statistics Microsoft Research
  • Thomas Richardson
    Thesis: Feedback models: interpretation and discovery
    Department: Philosophy
    Advisor: Peter Spirtes
    Later position: Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Washington
  • Michel Schellekens
    Thesis: The Smyth completion: a common topological foundation for denotational semantics and complexity analysis
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Stephen Brookes
    Later position: University College Cork, Ireland, Department of Computer Science
  • Tim Freeman
    Thesis: Refinement types for ML
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: Frank Pfenning
  • Jiri Sgall
    Thesis: On-line scheduling on parallel machines
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: Steve Rudich
    Later position: Researcher, Academy of Sciences, Mathematical Institute, Prague
  • Kim Ritter Wagner
    Thesis: Solving Domain Equations with Internal Pre-Orders
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: Dana Scott
  • Jeffrey Todd Wilson
    Thesis: The assembly tower and some categorical and algebraic aspects of frame theory
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: Dana Scott
  • Penny Anderson
    Thesis: Program development by proof transformation
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: Frank Pfenning
  • Doug Ensley
    Thesis: Measures on aleph-0 categorical structures
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Michael Albert
    1992 CMU Eberly Center Graduate Student Teaching Award
    Later position: Deputy Executive Director of the MAA
    Later position: Shippenburg University, Mathematics, Emeritus Professor
  • Nevin Heintze
    Thesis: Set based program analysis
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisors: Peter Lee and Frank Pfenning
  • Spiro Michaylov
    Thesis: Design and implementation of practical constraint logic programming systems
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: Frank Pfenning
    Later position: Ab Initio
  • Scott Dietzen
    Thesis: A language for higher-order explanation-based learning
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: Frank Pfenning
    Later position: CEO, Pure Storage
  • Sunil Issar
    Thesis: Operational issues in automated theorem proving using matings
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Peter Andrews
    Later position: Convergys
  • Marko Petkovsek
    Thesis: Finding closed-form solutions of difference equations by symbolic methods
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: Dana Scott
    Later position: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Department of Mathematics, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Enrico Tronci
    Thesis: Equational programming in lambda-calculus via SL-systems
    Department: Mathematical Sciences
    Advisor: Richard Statman
    Later position: Associate Professor in Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
  • Conal Elliott
    Thesis: Extensions and applications of higher-order unification
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: Frank Pfenning
  • Vijay Anand Saraswat
    Thesis: Concurrent constraint programming languages
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: Dana Scott
    Later positions: Member of the Research Staff, IBM T. J. Watson Research Lab; Adjunct Professor of Computer Science and Engineering Penn State University
  • Frank Pfenning
    Thesis: Proof Transformations in Higher-Order Logic
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: Peter Andrews
    Later position: President's Professor of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, and Head, Department of Computer Science
  • Ketan Mulmuley
    Thesis: Full abstraction and semantic equivalence
    Department: Computer Science
    Advisor: Dana Scott
    Later position: Professor, Department of Computer Science, and Professor, Physical Sciences Collegiate Division, University of Chicago