
  • Jeremy Avigad
    Professor of Philosophy and Mathematical Sciences
    mathematical logic, interactive theorem proving, history and philosophy of mathematics
  • Steve Awodey
    Professor of Philosophy and Mathematical Sciences
    category theory, logic, homotopy type theory, history and philosophy of logic
  • Adam Bjorndahl
    Associate Professor of Philosophy
    modal logic, game theory, decision theory, formal epistemology
  • Francesca Zaffora Blando
    Assistant Professor of Philosophy
  • Stephen Brookes
    Professor of Computer Science
    mathematical semantics of programming languages
  • Clinton Conley
    Associate Professor of Mathematical Sciences
    descriptive set theory
  • James Cummings
    Professor of Mathematical Sciences
    mathematical logic, set theory
  • Rami Grossberg
    Professor of Mathematical Sciences
    mathematical logic, model theory
  • Marijn Heule
    Associate Professor of Computer Science
    SAT solvers, combinatorics, formal verification
  • Robert Harper
    Professor of Computer Science
    type theory, logical frameworks, programming languages
  • Jan Hoffmann
    Associate Professor of Computer Science
    programming languages, type theory, software verification, and resource analysis
  • Greggo Johnson
    Associate Teaching Professor, Mathematical Sciences
    model theory
  • Kevin Kelly
    Professor of Philosophy
    epistemology, philosophy of science, learning theory, computability
  • Frank Pfenning
    Professor of Computer Science and Philosophy
    programming languages, logic and type theory, logical frameworks, automated deduction, trustworthy computing
  • André Platzer
    Professor of Computer Science
    verification of hybrid systems, automated theorem proving, model checking
  • Richard Scheines
    Dean, Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences, and Professor of Philosophy, Machine Learning, and Human Computer Interaction
    graphical and statistical causal inference, philosophy of social science, foundations of causation, educational technology
  • Ernest Schimmerling
    Professor of Mathematical Sciences
    mathematical logic, set theory
  • Teddy Seidenfeld
    H.A. Simon Professor of Philosophy, Statistics, and Machine Learning
    foundations of statistics, decision theory
  • Wilfried Sieg
    Patrick Suppes Professor of Philosophy
    mathematical logic, proof theory, computability theory, history and philosophy of mathematics, automated proof search
  • Peter Spirtes
    Professor of Philosophy and Machine Learning
    graphical and statistical causal inference, causation in the social sciences, philosophy of physics
  • Richard Statman
    Professor of Computer Science and Mathematical Sciences
    mathematical logic, theory of computation, lambda calculus, combinatory logic
  • Kun Zhang
    Associate Professor of Philosophy
    causal inference, latent variable modeling
  • Kevin Zollman
    Professor of Philosophy and Social and Decision Sciences
    game theory, agent based modeling, and philosophy of science


  • Peter Andrews
    Professor of Mathematics (Emeritus)
    mathematical logic, automated theorem proving, type theory
  • Lenore Blum
    Distinguished Career Professor of Computer Science (Emeritus)
    computational complexity, real computation, conscious AI
  • Clark Glymour
    Alumni University Professor of Philosophy (Emeritus)
    philosophy of science, causal modeling, cognitive science, machine learning
  • Dana Scott
    Hillman University Professor of Computer Science, Philosophy, and Mathematical Logic (Emeritus)
    mathematical logic, model theory, set theory, foundations of logic and mathematics, symbolic mathematical computation

In memoriam

  • Edmund Clarke
    FORE Systems Professor of Computer Science and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Emeritus)
    automatic verification of computer hardware and software

Postdoctoral and visiting faculty

  • Mathieu Anel
    Senior Researcher, Department of Philosophy
    homotopy type theory, category theory
  • Reid Barton
    Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Philosophy
    homotopy type theory, category theory
  • Mario Carneiro
    Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Hoskinson Center
    formal mathematics and interactive theorem proving
  • Gabriel Ebner
    Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Philosophy
    proof theory, interactive and automated theorem proving
  • Jonas Frey
    Special Faculty, Department of Philosophy
    homotopy type theory, category theory
  • Sumin Iyer
    National Science Foundation Mathematical Sciences Research Fellow
    Department of Mathematical Sciences (beginning Fall, 2024)
    descriptive set theory
  • Krzysztof Mierzewski
    Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Philosophy
    logic, as well as its connections to probability theory
  • Riley Thornton
    National Science Foundation Mathematical Sciences Research Fellow
    Department of Mathematical Sciences
    descriptive set theory
  • Amanda Wilkens
    Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Mathematics (beginning Fall, 2024)
    ergodic theory and probability